4) Which counties had the most significant growth in Japanese American population in the decade of the 1930s? (This is a trick question. You will need to examine not only the finished map, but individual counties as well. For example, according to the map, in Lake County, north and east of the San Francisco area, it looks like the increase has been substantial. Click on the county, though, and examine the actual Japanese American populations in 1930 and 1940.)
5) Generally speaking, how does the change in the Japanese American population compare with the change in the population of the state as a whole during the decade of the 1930s? What factors in California state history during the 1920s and 30s might account for the differences in change (or lack of change) in the populations?
6) The issue of generational differences is a constant theme in the history of immigration into the United States. Older, first generation immigrants, who are slower to adapt to their new culture are caught in conflict with their American born children who quickly become fluent in English and are more likely to adapt to American cultural practices. This was a particularly difficult problem for first generation Japanese immigrants, or Issei, and their Nisei, or American born, children - a problem magnified by the internment experience. Use the 1940 census data and create maps showing the percentage of the Issei, or foreign born, population compared to the Nisei, or native born Japanese population. Create similar maps for the native born and foreign born populations of all nationalities in California. Make sure that you copy the classification settings from one map to the others so that comparison between the maps is easy. Analyze how the makeup of the Japanese American population compares with that of the immigrant population at large.