1) Which southern state(s) had the greatest percentage of black population in 1900? the least?
2) Generally speaking, what happens to the percentage of the black population in 1900 as you move from south to north in the map? Identify any exceptions to this generalization.
3) Prepare a similar map for 1930 using the same slider values in both maps so that comparison is straight forward. In which state(s) was there an apparent decrease in the percentage of the black population from 1900 to 1930?
4) In which states was the change in the percentage of the black population the most dramatic? the least?
5) What was the relative rate of farm ownership between black and white farmers in 1900? in 1930? The percentage of both black and white farm ownership is given for both years. For each decade prepare side-by-side maps comparing farm ownership for each race. Write a short summary of your analysis.